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Intan Kirana

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Spoof Text : Ferocious Lion

Bert was telling his friend, Justin, about his Safari Trip in Africa. “I came face to face with a ferocious lion. He was snarling, showing me his long sharp teeth. He was literally salivating at seeing me. Man! I’d never been so scared before.”

“Wow! I’m glad I wasn’t in your shoes! So what happened next? Did you shoot him?”“No, I didn’t have my gun with me.” “You didn’t? Oh, man! That was really dumb.”

“Yeah, it was so stupid of me. Anyway, there I stood alone, without gun. The lion crept closer and closer and closer…. and I ….” Bert stopped and heaved a deep sigh, impatiently, Justin cried, “Come on, man! What did you do?”

His pal shrugged his shoulders and said, “What could I do? I moved on to the next cage.”

( From: http://www.ardianrisqi.com )

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