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Intan Kirana

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Beasiswa ke Thailand

Beasiswa Undergraduate Student 2010 Scholarship in Thailand

Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR) menawarkan beasiswa S1 berupa biaya kuliah di Thailand. The Office of the Higher Education (OHEC), Ministry of Education, Thailand would like to inform you that Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR) is now launching a scholarship program to promote and foster cooperation and understanding among ASEAN countries.

In this regard, OHEC is pleased to forward you a copy of the Annoucement of the Year 2010 RMUTR Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students in ASEAN Countries and the Application Form for your dissemination to students and concerned bodies. Those who wish to apply for the scholarships are requested to contact RMUTR directly by 30 April 2010. The names of the successful candidates will be announced by RMUTR by 15 May 2010.

Terms and conditions of the scholarships are as follows:

1. The RMUTR Scholarship Program is open to all ASEAN candidates.

2. The scholarships do not carry a bond.

3. The scholarships cover only tuitions fees, without including any other costs, nor guaranteeing employment or residence in Thailand to the scholars upon their graduation.

4. The scholarships covers the entire duration of the undergraduate program (4-5 years) provided that every year the scholar demonstrates satisfactory progress as determined by RMUTR.

5. Applicant Qualifications:

- Both applicants and their parents must posses the citizenship of a foreign country. (Applications and their parent should not hold the Thai citizenship).

- Applicants should have adequate halth both mentally and physically to stay in foreign country foe along period of time.

- Persons who can contribute the mutual friendship between Thailand and the country of origin.

- Applications should be under 25 years of ages as of March 1, 2010

- Applicant must hold high school of certificates as March 1, 2010

- Applications should obtain a grade point of averag (GPA) of above 85% or 5% in rank from the top, from the last institution attended

- Proficiency in Thai will be highly preferred. The medium of instruction in undergraduate programs provided by RMUTR in Thai. So candidates for the scholarship should be able to use Thai languange at least at fair level.

6. Scholarship Payment

- Scholarship Period: 4-5 years of bachelor’s degree program.

More details of the procedure and application form can be downloaded here Undergraduate Scholarship of RMUTR

Fungsi Makanan

Fungsi Makanan Bagi Makhluk Hidup

Setiap makhluk hidup membutuhkan makanan untuk bertahan hidup.

Sebagian besar makhluk hidup akan mati apabila tidak makan untuk jangka waktu yang lama . Namun ada juga makhluk hidup yang mampu bertahan dalam kondisi yang ekstrim tanpa makanan untuk jangka waktu yang lama dengan melakukan teknik tertentu.

Fungsi umum dari makanan:

- Untuk memberikan tenaga atau energi pada tubuh makhluk hidup sehingga dapat melakukan aktivitasnya sehari-hari.

- Sumber pengatur dan pelindung tubuh terhadap penyakit

- Sumber pembangun tubuh baik untuk pertumbuhan maupun perbaikan tubuh.

- Sebagai sumber bahan pengganti sel-sel tua yang usang dimakan usia.

Kerajaan Tumbuhan

Klasifikasi Kingdom Plantae

Dalam golongan tumbuh-tumbuhan atau pohon-pohonan yang disebut juga kingdom plantae atau kerajaan tumbuh-tumbuhan dapat kita bagi-bagi menjadi beberapa divisi, antara lain adalah :

1. Divisi Thallophyta / Thalopita / Thalophita
Divisi thallophyta adalah tumbukan yang memiliki thalus termasuk diantaranya adalah golongan jamur / fungi, bakteri dan ganggang / alga.

2. Divisi Bryophyta / Briopita / Briophita
Divisi bryophyta meliputi golongan lumut-lumutan

3. Divisi Pteridophyta / Pteridopita / Pteridophita
Divisi pteridophyta meliputi golongan paku-pakuan

4. Divisi Spermatophyta / Spermatopita / Spermatophita
Divisi spermatophyta meliputi golongan tumbuhan berbiji baik tumbuhan berbiji keping satu (monokotil) maupun dua (dikotil)

Berdasarkan morfologi atau susunan tubuh tumbuhan bisa dibedakan lagi atas dua jenis kelompok, yakni :

1. Thallophyta
Definisi Thallophyta : Adalah tumbuhan yang belum memiliki daun, akar dan batang yang jelas.

2. Cormophyta / Kormopita / Kormophita
Denisisi dan Pengertian Cormophita : Adalah tumbuhan yang batang, akar dan daun sudah jelas yang meliputi tiga divisi selain thalophita yaitu bryophita, pteridophita dan spermatophita.