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Intan Kirana

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Dana Sertifikasi Tahap II akan dibayarkan bulan Desember 2010?

Sesuai dengan mekanisme pembayaran tunjangan Sertifikasi guru, kemungkinan bulan Desember ini akan turun lagi. Bapak ibu guru yang rajin saja melhat rekening di BRI atau BPD.

Di bawah ini saya kutipkan tentang mekanisme pembayaran tunjangan sertifikasi guru tahun 2010 yang diambil dari berbagai sumber:

Mekanisme pembayaran Tunjangan Sertifikasi tahun2010.

  1. Sejak tahun 2010 ini, penyaluran tunjangan profesi guru dilakukan melalui mekanisme transfer ke daerah yakni transfer dari rekening kas negara ke rekening kas daerah yang ada di prov/kab/kota diseluruh Indonesia. Sehingga tidak lagi melalui rekening dinas pendidikan yang ada di provinsi.
  2. Kemudian dana guna keperluan pembayaran tunjangan profesi guru tidak lagi masuk ke dalam DIPA Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional (bukan lagi dana dekonsentrasri) tapi sudah masuk pada DIPA Transfer ke Daerah (Dana Perimbangan) yang dikelola oleh Kementerian Keuangan.
  3. Dalam APBN tahun 2010 telah dianggarkan pembayaran tunjangan profesi guru, khusus bagi guru yg telah bersertifikasi di daerah (guru PNSD) disediakan pagu dalam APBN pada nomenklatur DAU tambahan untuk tunjangan profesi guru PNSD sebesar Rp 10,99 trilyun
  4. Untuk tahun 2010, penyaluran dana dari rekening kas negara ke rekening kas daerah (saya ulangi dari rekening kas negara ke rekening kas daerah) akan dilaksanakan secara semesteran atau 2 kali dalam setahun. Untuk semester I dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2010 dan semester ke II dilaksanakan pada bulan desember 2010.
  5. Selain tunjangan profesi, pada tahun 2010 ini, pemerintah juga memberikan insentif berupa tambahan penghasilan sebesar Rp 250rb, bagi Bapak-Ibu guru PNSD atau CPNSD yang belum mendapatkan tunjangan profesi.
  6. Mekanismenya sama dengan mekanisme tunjangan profesi, yakni transfer dari rekening kas negara ke rekening kas daerah secara semesteran ( 2x dalam setahun) yakni Juni 2010 dan Desember 2010.

Senin, 06 Desember 2010


This page explains what is meant by the ionic product for water. It looks at how the ionic product varies with temperature, and how that determines the pH of pure water at different temperatures.

Kw and pKw

The important equilibrium in water

Water molecules can function as both acids and bases. One water molecule (acting as a base) can accept a hydrogen ion from a second one (acting as an acid). This will be happening anywhere there is even a trace of water - it doesn't have to be pure.

A hydroxonium ion and a hydroxide ion are formed.

However, the hydroxonium ion is a very strong acid, and the hydroxide ion is a very strong base. As fast as they are formed, they react to poduce water again.

The net effect is that an equilibrium is set up.

At any one time, there are incredibly small numbers of hydroxonium ions and hydroxide ions present. Further down this page, we shall calculate the concentration of hydroxonium ions present in pure water. It turns out to be 1.00 x 10-7 mol dm-3 at room temperature.

You may well find this equilibrium written in a simplified form:

This is OK provided you remember that H+(aq) actually refers to a hydroxonium ion.

Defining the ionic product for water, Kw

Kw is essentially just an equilibrium constant for the reactions shown. You may meet it in two forms:

Based on the fully written equilibrium . . .

. . . or on the simplified equilibrium:

You may find them written with or without the state symbols. Whatever version you come across, they all mean exactly the same thing!

You may wonder why the water isn't written on the bottom of these equilibrium constant expressions. So little of the water is ionised at any one time, that its concentration remains virtually unchanged - a constant. Kw is defined to avoid making the expression unnecessarily complicated by including another constant in it.

The value of Kw

Like any other equilibrium constant, the value of Kw varies with temperature. Its value is usually taken to be 1.00 x 10-14 mol2 dm-6 at room temperature. In fact, this is its value at a bit less than 25°C.

The units of Kw: Kw is found by multiplying two concentration terms together. Each of these has the units of mol dm-3.

Multiplying mol dm-3 x mol dm-3 gives you the units above.


The relationship between Kw and pKw is exactly the same as that between Ka and pKa, or [H+] and pH.

The Kw value of 1.00 x 10-14 mol2 dm-6 at room temperature gives you a pKw value of 14. Try it on your calculator! Notice that pKw doesn't have any units.

The pH of pure water

Why does pure water have a pH of 7?

That question is actually misleading! In fact, pure water only has a pH of 7 at a particular temperature - the temperature at which the Kw value is 1.00 x 10-14 mol2 dm-6.

This is how it comes about:

To find the pH you need first to find the hydrogen ion concentration (or hydroxonium ion concentration - it's the same thing). Then you convert it to pH.

In pure water at room temperature the Kw value tells you that:

[H+] [OH-] = 1.00 x 10-14

But in pure water, the hydrogen ion (hydroxonium ion) concentration must be equal to the hydroxide ion concentration. For every hydrogen ion formed, there is a hydroxide ion formed as well.

That means that you can replace the [OH-] term in the Kw expression by another [H+].

[H+]2 = 1.00 x 10-14

Taking the square root of each side gives:

[H+] = 1.00 x 10-7 mol dm-3

Converting that into pH:

pH = - log10 [H+]

pH = 7

That's where the familiar value of 7 comes from.

The variation of the pH of pure water with temperature

The formation of hydrogen ions (hydroxonium ions) and hydroxide ions from water is an endothermic process. Using the simpler version of the equilibrium:

The forward reaction absorbs heat.

According to Le Chatelier's Principle, if you make a change to the conditions of a reaction in dynamic equilibrium, the position of equilibrium moves to counter the change you have made.

Note: If you don't understand Le Chatelier's Principle, you should follow this link before you go on. Make sure that you understand the effect of temperature on position of equilibrium.

Use the BACK button on your browser when you are ready to return to this page.

According to Le Chatelier, if you increase the temperature of the water, the equilibrium will move to lower the temperature again. It will do that by absorbing the extra heat.

That means that the forward reaction will be favoured, and more hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions will be formed. The effect of that is to increase the value of Kw as temperature increases.

The table below shows the effect of temperature on Kw. For each value of Kw, a new pH has been calculated using the same method as above. It might be useful if you were to check these pH values yourself.
T (°C) Kw (mol2 dm-6) pH
0 0.114 x 10-14 7.47
10 0.293 x 10-14 7.27
20 0.681 x 10-14 7.08
25 1.008 x 10-14 7.00
30 1.471 x 10-14 6.92
40 2.916 x 10-14 6.77
50 5.476 x 10-14 6.63
100 51.3 x 10-14 6.14

You can see that the pH of pure water falls as the temperature increases.

A word of warning!

If the pH falls as temperature increases, does this mean that water becomes more acidic at higher temperatures? NO!

A solution is acidic if there is an excess of hydrogen ions over hydroxide ions. In the case of pure water, there are always the same number of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions. That means that the water remains neutral - even if its pH changes.

The problem is that we are all so familiar with 7 being the pH of pure water, that anything else feels really strange. Remember that you calculate the neutral value of pH from Kw. If that changes, then the neutral value for pH changes as well.

At 100°C, the pH of pure water is 6.14. That is the neutral point on the pH scale at this higher temperature. A solution with a pH of 7 at this temperature is slightly alkaline because its pH is a bit higher than the neutral value of 6.14.

Similarly, you can argue that a solution with a pH of 7 at 0°C is slightly acidic, because its pH is a bit lower than the neutral value of 7.47 at this temperature.

(From: http://www.chemguide.co.uk)

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010


Gerund adalah kata benda yang berasal dari kata kerja ditambah –ing, misalnya swimming, eating, fishing, shopping, dancing, dan singing. Bila diperhatikan, gerund mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan present participle, bedanya gerund berfungsi sebagai kata benda, sedangkan present participle sebagai kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda.

Dalam kalimat, gerund berfungsi sebagai:
a. subjek (subject)
b. pelengkap subjek (subjective complement)
c. objek langsung (direct object)
d. objek preposisi (object of preposition)
e. aposisi (appositive)

Gerund sebagai subjek pokok kalimat, contoh:
- Swimming is good service.
- Your singing is very beautiful.
- Studying needs time and patience.
- Playing tennis is fun.
- Reading English is easier than speaking it.

Subjective Complement
Gerund sebagai pelengkap subjek dalam kalimat biasanya selalu didahului to be yang terletak di antara subject dan subjective complement, contoh:
- My favorite sport is running.
- My favorite activity is reading.

Direct Object
Gerund sebagai objek langsung dalam kalimat, contoh:
- I enjoy dancing.
- She likes dancing.
- Thank you for your coming.
- I hate arguing.

Object of Preposition
Gerund sebagai objek preposisi yang terletak setelah preposisi. Preposisi yang sering dipakai adalah of, on, no, with, without, at for, after, before, because of, to, like, about, for, by, in.
- He is tired of gambling.
- I am fond of eating bakso.
- He insisted on seeing her.
- I have no objection to hearing your story.
- You will not be clever without studying.
- They are good at telling funny stories.
- In sleeping I met you in the park.

Gerund sebagai aposisi atau penegas dalam kalimat, contoh:
- My hobby, fishing, is interesting.
- I do not like quarrelling, a useless job.
My hobby is fishing dan fishing is interesting diletakkan bersebelahan dalam sebuah kalimat sebagai appositive (fishing adalah aposisi dari my hobby), begitu juga contoh kalimat dibawahnya.

(From : http://catatanbahasainggris.blogspot.com)

Article the

Penggunaan article THE

Ada beberapa rules yang harus anda pahami dalam penggunaan article the.

1. The umumnya digunakan untuk merujuk noun yang sudah pernah disebutkan sebelumnya. Dengan adanya the, noun yang dimaksud menjadi lebih spesifik. Noun tersebut bisa countable, bisa juga uncountable noun. Jika countable noun, noun tersebut bisa singular, bisa juga plural. Dalam hal ini, the dapat berarti tersebut atau itu, atau kadang-kadang ini.


  1. I met a guy last night. The guy asked my number and whether I would go out for a date. (number = nomor telepon, date = kencan). Dalam kalimat ini, the bisa digantikan dengan that.
  2. The water in my well is contaminated. (well = sumur, contaminated = terkontaminasi). Dalam kalimat ini, the tidak pas kalau digantikan dengan that, karena “water” di kalimat ini sudah diterangkan oleh “in my well“. Coba terjemahkan, terasa janggal bukan?
  3. Three students didn’t perform well in my exam. The (three) students hadn’t studied hard enough before the exam. Dalam kalimat ini, kata three adalah optional: bisa digunakan, bisa juga dihilangkan, karena maknanya sudah dipahami oleh lawan bicara atau pembaca. Di kalimat ini, the dapat digantikan dengan those/these. Jika anda masih ragu dalam penggunaan those/these, akan lebih aman jika anda gunakan the.
  4. There are many persons named Agnes Monica on Facebook. You will have hard time to find the Agnes Monica who sings Matahariku.

Sebaliknya, the tidak digunakan jika kita membicarakan uncountable nouns atau plural nouns secara umum (in general).


  1. Water needs to be conserved. (Air perlu dikonservasi/dilindungi).
  2. Sugar is sweet. (Gula (rasanya) manis).
  3. Durians are very smelly. (Duarian-durian sangat bau/baunya keras).
  4. Lazy students hardly get good grades. (Murid-murid yang malas hampir tidak pernah mendapat nilai-nilai bagus).

2. Kata seperti breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper (= dinner), school, church, home, dan college pada umumnya tidak membutuhkan article. Tetapi, jika noun ini dirujuk, barulah article the diperlukan.


  1. We go to school everyday. Starting next week, however, the school will be bulldozed by the government. (be bulldozed = diratakan dengan tanah dengan menggunakan bulldozer).
  2. Jenny and I just finished having lunch at the cafetaria. I thanked her because she paid for the lunch.
  3. I am very tired. I’d like to go home.

3. Rules yang lain dalam menentukan apakah the digunakan atau tidak, dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut. Note: the yang digunakan pada nouns di tabel berikut pada umumnya tidak berarti “tersebut”, olehnya itu, tidak dapat digantikan dengan that.

Gunakan THE untuk:

Jangan gunakan THE untuk:

Nama samudra, laut, sungai, teluk, plural lakes (nama danau yang terdiri dari 2 danau atau lebih).

Contoh: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Java Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes, the Citarum River

Nama danau

Contoh: Lake Toba, Lake Batur, Lake Erie

Nama pegunungan

Contoh: the Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the Bukit Barisan

Nama gunung

Contoh: Mount Merapi, Mount Semeru, Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Everest.

Earth, moon, sun

Contoh: the earth, the moon, the sun

Nama planet (selain bumi), rasi bintang

Contoh: Mars, Venus, Orion,

Nama sekolah, universitas, college jika sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di depan.

Contoh: the School of Cooper’s Art, the University of Gadjah Mada, the college of Arts and Sciences.

Nama sekolah, universitas, college jika sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di belakang.

Contoh: Cooper’s Art school, Gadjah Mada University, Sante Fe Community College.

Ordinal number sebelum nouns

Contoh: the Second World War, the third chapter

Cardinal number setelah nouns

Contoh: World War Two, Chapter three.

Nama perang (kecuali perang dunia)

Contoh: the Korean War, the Crimean War, the Civil War

Nama negara yang terdiri dari 2 kata atau lebih (kecuali Great Britain)

Contoh: the United States of America, the Central African Republic

Nama negara jika hanya terdiri dari satu kata

Contoh: Indonesia, China, Canada, France

Nama benua

Contoh: Asia, Europe, South America.

Nama state/province

Contoh: Florida, Ohio, California, Manitoba, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Utara.

Dokumen bersejarah

Contoh: the constitution, the Magna Carta

Nama Olahraga

Contoh: basketball, football, tennis

Noun abstract

Contoh: freedom, happiness

Bidang ilmu

Contoh: mathematics, Economics, sociology

Nama hari raya

Contoh: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Idul Fitri, Independence day


  1. Bryan Adams was born in Canada, but he lives in Great Britain. Celine Dion is also a Canadian born singer, but she lives in the United States now.
  2. The Great Lakes consist of five lakes one of which is Lake Ontario.
  3. The earth travels around the sun, and so does Mars.

(From : http://swarabhaskara.com)

Article a & an

Perbedaan penggunaan article A vs AN.
Sebagai article, ‘ a ‘ dan ‘ an ‘ artinya adalah satu. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kedua article ini dapat diterjemahkan menjadi sebuah/seorang/seekor/sehelai dst. Hal ini tergantung dari noun yang mengikutinya. Misalnya,
• an apple = sebuah apel
• a lady = seorang wanita
• a tiger = seekor harimau
• a leaf = sehelai daun, dst.
Penggunaan A dan AN
1. a dan an hanya dapat diikuti oleh singular nouns (benda tunggal), tetapi tidak pernah secara langsung diikuti oleh uncountable nouns (benda tidak dapat dihitung). Olehnya itu, akan INCORRECT jika anda menulis,
• I need a water. (water: uncountable noun)
• I just ate a bread. (bread: uncountable noun)
• She just heard a bad news about her parents. (news: uncountable noun)
Kalimat ini akan menjadi benar jika article a dihilangkan atau jika di depan uncountable nouns (i.e. water dan bread) ditambahkan penakar (container) atau pengukur yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan berapa banyak/volume/ukuran dari uncountable nouns tersebut.
• I need water. Atau I need a glass of water.
• I just ate bread. Atau: I just ate a big slice of bread.
• She just heard bad news about her parents. Atau: She just heard a piece of bad news about her parents.
Kapan kita gunakan a dan kapan kita gunakan an dapat dibaca pada topik Noun (part 2): Countable. Selain itu, noun yang tergolong ke dalam uncountable noun juga harus diketahui, sebab article a dan an tidak digunakan jika diikuti oleh uncountable nouns.
2. a dan an digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah singular noun secara umum (in general).
1. A football is usually made of leather. ( leather = kulit. Note: dalam konteks ini, jangan gunakan kata skin. Leather adalah animal skin yang sudah diolah).
2. An artist should keep a good relationship with fans.
3. a dan an digunakan untuk merujuk ke sebuah singular noun yang belum pernah disebutkan sebelumnya.
1. I met a guy last night.
2. My company just built a new skyscraper. (skyscraper = gedung pencakar langit)

(From : http://swarabhaskara.com)